Topcoder Member Records ‌✱ disclaimer

Do you find there is no good way at the official ‌Topcoder website to see and show others your member records? Are you interested to know, how much your fellow Topcoder members earn? This tool provides visualization of Topcoder community member records, and estimates their earnings.


Updated on Nov 27, 2023
NOTE: Updates of member records have been disabled on Dec 14, 2023 as changes in the underlying Topcoder APIs rendered the current implementation non-functional. Currently there is no certain plan to fix it.


Rating: ‌1825

Estimation of Competitor Earnings

Total days spent competing: ‌74 days

Total earnings from competing: 12,700 US dollars

Estimated effective hourly rate: ‌21.3 USD / hour

Estimation of Copilot Earnings

Total days spent copiloting: ‌3 days

Total earnings from copiloting: 600 US dollars

Estimated effective hourly rate: ‌24.9 USD / hour

Records Legend:

/ / ‌ – Topcoder Open Champion in a Data Science / Development / Design track.
1st – challenge winner
2nd – challenge runner-up
– another prize placement
– copilot (technical project manager)

72h Topcoder - AWS EventBridge PoC

Technologies: AWS, Docker, Dynamodb, Node.js
Dates: Apr 8 – 11, 2021
Prize: $400

[72h] Task Marketplace - Task listing page implementation

Technologies: HTML, ReactJS, TypeScript
Dates: Oct 21 – 24, 2020
Prize: $600

[72 hrs] Topcoder Member Profile - ES and DynamoDB Fixes Part 2

Technologies: Docker, Elasticsearch, Java, Spring
Dates: Aug 21 – 24, 2019
Prize: $200

Redwood - Create Azure DevOps and GitHub sync receiver

Technologies: Apache Kafka, Node.js
Dates: Aug 5 – 9, 2019
Prize: $500

SonarQube API | Get scan details and upload to Amazon S3

Technologies: Node.js, S3
Dates: Aug 2 – 4, 2019
Prize: $700

Topcoder - Submission Processor ES APM OpenTracing

Technologies: Apache Kafka, Node.js
Dates: Mar 19 – 24, 2019
Prize: $800

CSR Policy app - [NodeJS] Backend

Dates: Dec 24 – 29, 2018
Prize: $800

Maru - Misc Updates

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js
Dates: Aug 28 – Sep 2, 2018
Prize: $800

Mythril - Public Benchmark Suite - Test Runner for Oyente

Technologies: Blockchain, Ethereum, Python, QA
Dates: Aug 26 – 31, 2018
Prize: $800

Mythril - Public Benchmark Suite - Test Runner for Manticore

Technologies: Blockchain, Ethereum, Python, QA
Dates: Aug 17 – 22, 2018
Prize: $800

Topcoder QA Framework - Fix Inconsistent Number of Tests

Technologies: Node.js, QA
Dates: Jul 29 – Aug 2, 2018
Prize: $600

Mythril API - Rate limits and email integration

Technologies: API, Blockchain, Express, JavaScript, Node.js
Dates: Jul 11 – 18, 2018
Prize: $600

Signator - Report Delivery by Email

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js
Dates: Jun 29 – Jul 4, 2018
Prize: $800

Signator - Improvements of Compenstation Report Generation

Technologies: Angular 2+, JavaScript, Node.js
Dates: Jun 18 – 23, 2018
Prize: $1,200

Topcoder - Frontend E2E Testing Suite - Updates

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, QA
Dates: Jun 3 – 7, 2018
Prize: $700

Topcoder Connect - Project and Product Template REST API

Technologies: Node.js
Dates: May 17 – 22, 2018
Prize: $500

Signator - Data Extraction Scripts

Technologies: Linux, Node.js, SQL
Dates: May 1 – 6, 2018
Prize: $1,200

Popular Members

✱) Disclaimer

This service is non-official, and it is not related with Topcoder company. Workload and earning estimates are based on public data available from public Topcoder APIs, and they might be incomplete and erroneous. In particular:

  • Member records include only challenges (i) in which selected member won a prize superior to $100; or (ii) which were copiloted by the member. All first=to-finish challenges are deliberately excluded from the records. Most of data science challenges (Marathon and Single Round Matches) are missing in the records, because they are not reported by the public Topcoder API used by this service (with exception of very recent Marathon Matches).
  • Some records are manually added / corrected for selected members,e.g. to include Topcoder Open victories into results.
  • The time spent by member on competing (copiloting) is estimated as the overall runtime of corresponding challenges included into this member's records. The runtime of a challenge is calculated from the challenge registration start to its submission deadline. If several challenges from member records were running on the same day, that day is counted only once. Overall, this is a very rough estimation of member worktime, which may be very different from the actual time/efforts spent by a member on its challenges.
  • Total earnings from competing are estimated as a sum of prizes won by selected member in the challenges included into his records. The public Topcoder API does not disclose the actual copiltoing payments received by copilots for each challenge, thus to estimate copiloting earning we assume the standard $600 copilot payment for regular-size challenges, and $5000 payment for Marathon Matches.
  • The effective hourly rate is estimated as the total competing (copiloting) earnings divided by 1/3 of estimated time spent by member on copiloting/competing (because the competing/copiloting time estimates are done as the total runtime of a challenge, and do not factor in ~8h out of 24h workday).

Overall, the absolute estimations of workload, earnings, and effective hourly rate should be taken with a grain of salt; however, these estimations should be adequate to compare relative earnings and workload of different members.

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