import { getSsrContext } from '@dr.pogodin/react-global-state';
Gets SsrContext object (the server-side rendering context, which is used to pass global-state-related data between rendering iterations).
Prior to the library v0.18.0 this function was a hook, based on the React's
useContext(), thus having to respect
the rules of hooks.
Starting from v0.18.0 it is based on use() instead, thus can be called
within loops and conditional statements like if
The TypeScript signature of this function is:
function getSsrContext<StateT>(
throwWithoutSsrContext = true,
): SsrContext<StateT> | undefined;
Alternatively you may use withGlobalStateType() function to get getSsrContext() variant with a "locked-in" StateT:
import { withGlobalStateType } from '@dr.pogodin/react-global-state';
const { getSsrContext } = withGlobalStateType<StateT>();
Generic Parameters
— boolean — If true (default) this hook will throw if no SSR context is attached to the global state. Pass in false to not throw in such case. In either case the hook will throw if no parent GlobalStateProvider (hence no global state) is found.
Returns SsrContext<StateT> object, or undefined
(if throwWithoutSsrContext
set false, and there is no SsrContext).
This function throws in these cases:
- If current component has no parent GlobalStateProvider in the rendered React tree.
- If
is true, and there is no SSR context attached to the global state provided by GlobalStateProvider.