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React Global State

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React Global State is a state of the art library for the global state and asynchronous data management in React applications, powered by hooks and Context API. It is simple, efficient, and features a full SSR (server-side rendering) support.


Motivation (JavaScript)

TypeScript-specific nuances are explained in the next section.

The motivation and vision behind this project is to bring to the table all useful features of Redux, without related development overheads, like the amount of necessary boilerplate code, and the efforts needed to design and maintain actions and reducers.

With this library, the introduction of a datum (data piece), shared across different application components, is as easy as using the local React state:

function SampleReactComponent() {
const [data, setData] = useGlobalState('', initialValue);

/* `data` value can be updating by calling `setData(newData)` anywhere inside
* the component code, including inside hooks like `useEffect(..)` or some
* event handlers. */

return /* Some JSX markup. */;

Relying on async data, e.g. loading into the state data from a 3-rd party API, is the same easy:

async function loader() {

/* Some async operation to get data, like a call to a 3-rd party API. */

return data;

function SampleReactComponent() {
const { data, loading, timestamp } = useAsyncData('data.envelope.path', loader);

/* `data` holds the data loaded into the global state, if they are fresh enough;
* `loading` signals that data loading (or silent re-loading) is in-progress;
* `timestamp` is the timestamp of currently loaded `data`. */

return /* Some JSX markup. */

Behind the scene, the library takes care about updating the component when the data loading starts and ends, also about the timestamps, automatic reloading, and garbage collection of aged data.

Related closely to async data is the server-side rendering (SSR). This library takes it into account, and provides a flexible way to implement SSR with loading of some, or all async data at the server side.

Motivation (TypeScript)

As many real-world projects nowadays are developed in TypeScript (justified so, or for all wrong reasons), a good JavaScript library has support TypeScript, and take a full advantage of its features, when available. It is worth reminding, TypeScript does static, compile-time type-checks, thus we cannot, and are not aiming to use its features for an exhaustive global state validation, casting, etc., which would require dedicated runtime features, and goes beyond the (current) scope of our library. We rather have the following aims with our TypeScript support:

  • In cases when static typing with TypeScript is able to evaluate the exact type of value on a given global state path, we want to use it for type checks.

  • In cases when TypeScript is not able to evaluate, or is wrong about the exact type of value on a given global state path, we want to be able to force it to assume the type we need, whether it is correct or wrong.

  • We want to have it very clear from the code, whether TypeScript's type resolution checked, and verified a value type, or wether we forced it under our own responsibility.

Regarding the evaluation of exact value type on a given global state path, TypeScript is able to do it when the path string type can be reduced to a string literal type, that describes a valid global state path, and the type of global state is well-defined along that path. For example:

import { type ForceT, withGlobalStateType } from '@dr.pogodin/react-global-state';

type StateT = { some: { path: string }};

// This call returns a set of React components and hooks "locked-in" into
// the same specified state path.
const { useGlobalState } = withGlobalStateType<StateT>();

function SampleReactComponent() {
// Here TypeScript will automatically resolve "string" as the correct type of
// `dataA` value and `setDataA` argument (`setDataA` will also accept a correct
// state update function).
const [dataA, setDataA] = useGlobalState('some.path');

// This will report a TypeScript error: "unknown.path" is not a correct path
// inside our `StateT` type, and thus our library (in TS), by default, rejects
// to write/read it, although for its runtime implementation it is a legit
// operation: in the first call to an unknown path, the given initial value,
// `123`, will be written to that state path, then any hook related to that
// path will work as usual. This default TS behavior is on purpose, to make
// its clear that TS does not know given path (the type of value on that path),
// and thus the user must force it, if he is sure about it.
const dataB = useGlobalState('unknown.path', 123)[0];

// This variant forces "number" value type on that unknown path.
const dataC = useGlobalState<ForceT, number>('unknown.path', 123)[0];

return /* Some JSX markup. */;

Here is a brief exampe of async data loading with TS-flavour of this library:

import {
type AsyncDataEnvelopeT,
type ForceT,
} from '@dr.pogodin/react-global-state';

// `AsyncDataEnvelopeT<DataT>` type describes a state segment with stores
// data of given type `DataT`, managed by `useAsyncData()` hook(s).
type StateT = { some: { path: AsyncDataEnvelopeT<string> }};

// This call returns a set of React components and hooks "locked-in" into
// the same specified state path.
const { useAsyncData } = withGlobalStateType<StateT>();

async function loader(): string {
// Some async operation to get data, like a call to a 3-rd party API.
return 'retrieved async data, a string in this example';

async function numberLoader(): number {
// Some async operation to get data, like a call to a 3-rd party API.
return 123;

function SampleReactComponent() {
// This works, and automatically deduces the correct `data` type as `string`.
const { data, loading, timestamp } = useAsyncData('some.path', loader);

// This gives TS error, as it able to evaluate the correct type of data
// in the envelope at "some.path" is "string", not a "number" returned by
// `numberLoader()`.
const { data, loading, timestamp } = useAsyncData('some.path', numberLoader);

// We can force a number, though, if we are sure about it.
// NOTE: The "1" as the first generic parameter is just a "switch" value
// enabling this overload of the hook, it has nothing to do with the "number"
// type of data we are forcing here.
const { data, loading, timer } = useAsyncData<ForceT, number>('some.path', numberLoader);

return /* Some JSX markup. */

Further Reading

  • Getting Started
  • (Outdated) Blog Article ‌ — written in 2020 it covers the original motivation and features, but not the TypeScript flavour of the library.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does React Global State library avoid unnecessary component re-renders when values updated in the global state are irrelevant to those components?

    Yes, it does avoid unnecessary re-renders of the component tree. A component relying on some.path in the global state is re-rendered only when the value at this path, or its sub-path has changed; i.e. it will be re-rendered if the value at some.path has changed, and it will be re-rendered if the value at some.path.sub.path has changed.

  • How would you describe your use case compared to another React global state library, e.g. Valtio?

    1. React Global State is designed to follow the standard React API as close as possible. E.g. if some component relies on the local state:

      const [value, setValue] = useState(initialState);

      to move that value to the global state (or vice versa) one only needs to replace the hook with

      const [value, setValue] = useGlobalState(path, initialState);

      The useGlobalState() hook takes care to follow all edge cases of the standard useState(): setValue setter identity is stable (does not change on re-renders), functional updates and lazy initial state are supported.

      Other libraries tend to re-invent the wheel, introducing their own APIs, which (i) should be learned and understood; (ii) do complicate migration of components between the local and global state, should it be needed in a course of app development / prototyping.

    2. When it comes to async data in the global state other libraries tend to offer only a very basic supported, often relying on experimental or internal React mechanics.

      React Global State, useAsyncData() and useAsyncCollection() hooks in particular, implements async data fetching and management features: when multiple components use these hooks to load async data to the same global state path the library takes care to do the actual loading just once, and then keep the data without reloading until their age reaches (configurable) max age. There is an automated garbage collection of expired, non-used async data from the global state; there is server-side rendering (SSR) support, with suggested high-level setup taking care that all async data loaded using useAsyncData() and useAsyncCollection() hooks will be automatically loaded and used in server-side renders (still allowing to opt-out of that for individual hooks, and timeout server-side fetching of data that take too long to arrive, in which case the library will fetch such data client-side). It does not rely on experimental React APIs to achieve its functionality, it only uses current public APIs.

      For me the support of async data fetching into the global state and their further management with out-of-the-box SSR support was the primary motivation to create React Global State. There are many other global state React libraries, but I was not able to find any that would cover the async data handling with that ease I believed was possible. The secondary motivation was that existing global state libraries either had the shortcoming of unnecessary component re-renders when data irrelevant to them where updated in the global state, or introduced their own APIs, where following the standard React APIs for local state looks to me a way more convenient approach.

  • Is React Global State library production ready (considering the current version number 0.y.z)?

    Yes. I personally use it in production for all my commercial and personal React projects for over an year. I just don't feel like to call it v1 until a reasonable adoption by 3rd party developers, and any API improvements that may come out of community experience.