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import { useGlobalState } from '@dr.pogodin/react-global-state';

The primary hook for interacting with the GlobalState, modeled after the standard React's useState(). It subscribes a component to a given path of global state, and provides a function to update it. Each time the value at path changes, the hook triggers re-render of its host component.


For the best performance and flexibility, the library does not copy, nor freezes the objects written to (read from) the global state. You SHOULD NOT directly mutate any objects stored in the global state; if you do, such mutations won't be detected and handled by the library.

Technically, such mutations might be useful and legit when some internal data of an object stored in the global state are not considered a part of the proper state, but if you are to use such direct mutations, you better know and understand well what you are doing!

The TypeScript signature of useGlobalState() implementation is

function useGlobalState(
path?: null | string,
initialValue?: ValueOrInitializerT<unknown>,
): UseGlobalStateResT<any>

however, it is on purpose shadowed by the following TypeScript overloads, to make convenient and safe static type analysis possible.

TypeScript Overloads

  1. The first overload for this hook has the signature

    function useGlobalState<StateT>(): UseGlobalStateResT<StateT>;


    • StateT — The type of global state content.

    In other words, when called without arguments, the hook gives access to reading / writing the entire global state as a whole.

  2. The second overload is (simplified by omitting the exact details behind DataT definition):

    function useGlobalState<
    PathT extends null | string | undefined,
    path: PathT,
    initialValue?: ValueOrInitializerT<DataT>
    ): UseGlobalStateResT<DataT>;

    with two generic parameters:

    • StateT — The type of global state content.
    • PathTnull | string | undefined — The type of path argument.

    The type DataT is auto-evaluated by TypeScript based on generic parameters, if possible, and used to type-check the loader and result. If DataT cannot be auto-evaluated, it falls back to void, which forbids TypeScript to use this overload.


    As StateT cannot be evaluated from hook argument / result types, to use this hook overload directly one would need to provide both generic parameters explictly:

    useGlobalState<StateT, typeof path>(path);

    Instead, you should prefer to use withGlobalStateType() function to get and use a specially wrapped version of this hook, with "locked-in" StateT type, which allows TS to auto-evaluate PathT based on path argument, and thus allows to use this hook variant without generic parameters, when possible:

    const { useGlobalState } = withGlobalStateType<StateT>();

    // Behind the scene, TS still auto-evaluates DataT type, and uses it
    // for type checks; it also denies to compile it, if DataT cannot be
    // evaluated.
  3. Another overload permits to force any DataT type under the caller's discretion (simplified by omitting details behind the exact DataT definition):

    function useGlobalState<
    Forced extends ForceT | false = false,
    ValueT = void,
    path: null | string | undefined,
    initialValue?: ValueOrInitializerT<ValueT>,
    ): UseGlobalStateResT<ValueT>;

    Generic parameters are:

    • UnlockedForceT | false — The default value, false, forbids TypeScript to use this overload (it does so by forcing DataT to evaluate as void). It must be set equal ForceT explicitly to use this overload.
    • ValueT — The type of value at the state path, defaults to void to force the caller to specify it.


  • pathnull | string | undefined — Dot-delimitered state path. It can be null or undefined to subscribe for entire state as a whole. Under-the-hood state values are read and written using Lodash's _.get() and _.set() methods, thus it is safe to access state paths which have not been created before (in JS, in TS the static typing will forbid it if StateT is well-defined).

  • initialValueValueOrInitializerT<ValueT> — Initial value to set at the path, or initializer function for this value:

    • If a function is given, it will act similar to the lazy initial state of the standard React's useState() — only if the value at path is undefined, the function will be executed, and the value it returns will be written to the path.

    • Otherwise, the given value itself will be written to the path, if the current value at path is undefined.


    Don't get misled by the initialValue name — it DOES NOT IMPLY the initial value is used exclusively on the first useGlobalState() call; instead the given initial value is applied on each call of useGlobalState() hook, if the current value at the path is undefined.

    For this reason in TypeScript code, if initialValue can't be undefined (or it is a function that can't return undefined) the value setter returned by useGlobalState() does not allow to set undefined value either (as such setting will be reverted in the very next useGlobalState() evaluation).

    If that causes you a problem, you wan't to use null as the no-value that is not overwritten by initialValue.


It returns an array with two elements [value, setValue] (see the type UseGlobalStateResT<ValueT>):

  • valueValueT — The current value at the given path.

  • setValueSetterT<ValueT> — The setter function to update the value at path.

    Similar to the standard React's useState(), it supports functional value updates: if setValue() is called with a function as argument, that function will be called with the current state value as its argument, and its return value will be written to path. Otherwise, the argument of setValue() itself is written to path.

    Also, similar to the standard React's state setters, setValue() is a stable function: it does not change between component re-renders.