import { useAsyncData } from '@dr.pogodin/react-global-state';
Resolves asynchronous (or synchronous) data, and stores them at the given path
of global
state. When multiple components rely on data stored at the same path
these data are resolved once, and reused until their age is within specified
bounds. Once these data are stale, this hook refreshes them. It also
garbage-collects stale data from the global state when the last component
relying on them is unmounted.
The hook stores loaded data, and related meta-data at a path
of global
state in form of AsyncDataEnvelopeT object. That global state segment can be
accessed, and even modified using other hooks,
e.g useGlobalState(), but doing so you should be careful to not interfere
with the related useAsyncData() hook logic in an undesireable way.
The TypeScript signature of useAsyncData() implementation is
function useAsyncData<DataT>(
path: null | string | undefined,
loader: AsyncDataLoaderT<DataT>,
options: UseAsyncDataOptionsT = {},
): UseAsyncDataResT<DataT> {
however, it is on purpose shadowed by the following TypeScript overloads making convenient and safe static type analysis possible.
TypeScript Overloads
The first overload for this hook has the signature (simplified by omitting the details behind the actual DataT definition):
function useAsyncData<
PathT extends null | string | undefined,
path: PathT,
loader: AsyncDataLoaderT<DataT>,
options?: UseAsyncDataOptionsT,
): UseAsyncDataResT<DataT>;with two generic parameters:
— The type of global state content.PathT
— null | string | undefined — The type ofpath
The type DataT is auto-evaluated by TypeScript based on generic parameters, if possible, and used for type-checking the loader and result. If DataT cannot be auto-evaluated, it falls back to void, forbidding TypeScript to use this hook overload.
tipAs StateT cannot be evaluated from hook argument / result types, to use this hook overload directly one would need to provide both generic parameters explicitly:
useAsyncData<StateT, typeof path>(path, loader);
Instead, you should prefer to use withGlobalStateType() function to get and use a specially wrapped version of this hook, with "locked-in" StateT type, which allows TS to auto-evaluate PathT based on
argument, and thus allows to use this hook without generic parameters, when possible:const { useAsyncData } = withGlobalStateType<StateT>();
// Behind the scene, TS still auto-evaluates the DataT type, and uses it
// to type-check `loader` and result. It denies to compile this if type check
// fails, or DataT cannot be auto-evaluated.
useAsyncData(path, loader); -
Another overload has the following signature (simplified by omitting details behind the exact DataT definition), which allows to explicitly force any DataT type under the caller's discretion:
function useAsyncData<
Forced extends ForceT | false = false,
DataT = unknown,
path: null | string | undefined,
loader: AsyncDataLoaderT<DataT>,
options?: UseAsyncDataOptionsT,
): UseAsyncDataResT<DataT>;Generic parameters are:
— ForceT | false — The default value, false, forbids TypeScript to use this overload (it does so by forcing DataT to evaluate as void). It must be set equal ForceT explicitly to use this overload. -
— The type of loaded datum, defaults to unknown. You can use this overload in two ways:
// Variant #1.
import { type ForceT, useAsyncData } from '@dr.pogodin/react-global-state';
useAsyncData<ForceT, DataT>(id, path, loader);
// Variant #2. Using withGlobalStateType().
import { type ForceT, withGlobalStateType } from '@dr.pogodin/react-global-state';
const { useAsyncData } = withGlobalStateType<StateT>();
// This overload does not really use StateT for type-checks, it just
// assumes the DatatT type you have specified.
useAsyncData<ForceT, DataT>(id, path, loader); -
— null | string | undefined — Dot-delimitered state path, where data envelope is stored. null or undefined mean the entire state is just the envelope for this hook. -
— AsyncDataLoaderT — Asynchronous, or synchronous function which resolves (loads) some data that should be stored at the global statepath
. When multiple components use useAsyncData() hook for the samepath
, the library assumes that all hook instances are called with the sameloader
(i.e. whichever of these loaders is used to resolve async data, the result it returns will be reused by all these hooks until re-loaded again).tipWhen
returns a promise, the corresponding data envelope in the global state is moved into the intermediate (re-)loading state, and once that promise is resolved that envelope ends in the final state with resolved data stored into it. However, ifloader
directly returns data (i.e. non-promise result), these data are stored into the envelope immediately (synchronously), without passing by the (re-)loading state. -
— UseAsyncDataOptionsT — Optional object with additional settings.
Returns an object of the type UseAsyncDataResT<DataT>.