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import { type UseAsyncDataOptionsT } from '@dr.pogodin/react-global-state';

UseAsyncDataOptionsT is the type of settings object accepted by useAsyncData() and useAsyncCollection() hooks.


All fields are optional.

  • depsany[] — An array of dependencies to watch. If provided, the hook will reload async data when any of these dependencies changes. Given dependencies are watched shallowly, and since library v0.11.0 they are tracked per the global state path, rather than per a hook instance.

  • noSSRboolean — Set true to opt-out of loading async data during the server-side rendering.

  • garbageCollectAgenumber — The maximum age of data (in milliseconds) after which they are dropped from the global state when the last component referencing them via useAsyncCollection() or useAsyncData() hook unmounts. Defaults to the value of maxage option.

  • maxage number — The maximum age of data (in milliseconds) acceptable to the hook's caller. If loaded data stored in the global state are older than this value null is returned instread of the loaded data. Defaults to 5 minutes.

  • refreshAgenumber — The maximum age of data (in milliseconds) after which their refresh is triggered when any component referencing them via useAsyncCollection() or useAsyncData() hook is (re-)rendered. Defaults to the value of maxage option.