const ThemedComponent = themed('Name', [
], defaultTheme)(BaseComponent)
This section documents additional features of any themed component created by themed() registration call.
Instances of any ThemedComponent pass down the base component any props beside the following ones, which allow to override for given component instance theming settings configured upon the registration with themed().
- string - Allows to override composition mode of ad hoc theme, specified via themed(). Must be one of COMPOSE values. -
- string - Allows to override composition mode of context theme, specified via themed(). Must be one of COMPOSE values. -
- object - Ad hoc theme to apply to the component instance. -
- string - Allows to override theme priorities, specified via themed(). It must be one of PRIORITY values. -
- ThemePropsMapper - Allows to verride the props mapper specified via themed().
export function ThemeProvider(props)
ThemeProvider defines style contexts. It accepts a single object property
that gives the mapping between themed component names and context themes
that should be applied to them within ThemeProvider children tree. The content
wrapped by ThemeProvider tags is rendered in-place of that component.
In case of nested context, the context theme from the closest context takes the effect on a component. If the context theme for a component is not set in the closest context, but it is set in an outer context, the theme from outer context will be applied.
- object - The mapping between themed component names (the first parameter passed into themed() upon the component registration), and context themes (i.e. objects created for imported SCSS themes by CSS module setup) to apply to them within the context. -
- ReactNode - The content to render in-place of ThemeProvider.