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import themed from '@dr.pogodin/react-themes';

// Recommended signature:
function themed(
BaseComponent: React.ComponentType,
componentName: string,
defaultTheme?: Theme,
options?: Options,
): ThemedComponent;

// Decorator signature:
function themed(
componentName: string,
defaultTheme?: Theme,
options?: Options,
): (BaseComponent: React.ComponentType) => ThemedComponent

Registers a themed component under the given name, and with an optional default theme.

themed() can be used as a decorator, or in the following (recommended) way:

import themed from '@dr.pogodin/react-themes';
import defaultTheme from './default.scss';

function Component() { ... }

export themed(Component, 'ThemedComponent', defaultTheme);

When rendered, your component will receive the composed theme via its theme prop. You will just need to pass the values from theme into the className attributes of your component elements, as shown in the Getting Started tutorial.


  • componentName - string - Themed component name, which should be used to provide its context theme via ThemeProvider.

  • defaultTheme - object - Optional. Default theme, in the form of theme key to CSS classname mapping.

  • options - object - Optional. Additional settings.

    • .adhocTag - string - Overrides "ad.hoc" theme key. Defaults "ad.hoc".

    • .composeAdhocTheme - string - Composition type for ad hoc theme, which is merged into the result of composition of lower priority themes. Must be one of COMPOSE values. Defaults COMPOSE.DEEP.

    • .composeContextTheme - string - Composition type for context theme into default theme (or vice verca, if opted by themePriority override). Must be one of COMPOSE values. Defaults COMPOSE.DEEP.

    • .contextTag - string - Overrides context theme key. Defaults "context".

    • .mapThemeProps - ThemePropsMapper - By default, a themed component created by themed() does not pass into the original base component any props introduced by this library. A function provided by this option will get the composed theme and all properties, and the result from this function call will be passed as props down the base component.

    • .themePriority - string - Theme priorities. Must be one of PRIORITY values. Defaults PRIORITY.ADHOC_CONTEXT_DEFAULT.


  • function (BaseComponent): ThemedComponent

    The result of themed() call is a wrapper function, which should be called right away with a single argument, the base component to wrap. Such syntax makes it possible (although not recommendable) to use it as a decorator. The final result will be a newly created ThemedComponent which works the same as the given BaseComponent beside having a few extra features, as per its documentation.


function themePropsMapper(props, theme): object

Function signature accepted by mapThemeProps option of themed() decorator and ThemedComponent .


  • props - object - All props received by ThemedComponent.
  • theme - object - Composed theme.


  • object - The map of properties to pass down the original component wrapped into ThemedComponent.