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SCSS Mixins

The library provides a bunch of SCSS mixins useful in most of host apps. To use them in a SCSS file import:

@import "@dr.pogodin/react-utils/mixins";

It might be more convenient to have a local mixin file local to the host codebase, and import react-utils mixins into that file. Alongside that import it may contain any additional mixins specific to the project. Then that local mixin file can be imported whenever mixins are needed, and then both local and react-utils mixins can be used side-by-side in a host SCSS file.

Font Mixins


@mixin font-family($name, $weight, $style, $url, $file)

Generates a a @font-face declaration for inclusion of the specified font into the app. The font is assumed to be provided in the following formats: EOT, WOFF, TTF, SVG.


  • $name - Font name (to reference the loaded font inside SCSS).
  • $weight - Font weight.
  • $style - Font style, either normal or italic.
  • $url - Path to the font files, without the filename.
  • $file - Name of the font files, without extension. It is supposed that all files related to the font have the same name, and differs by their extensions only.


@mixin font-family-ttf($name, $weight, $style, $url)

Similar to the font-family() mixins, but loads only fonts in TTF format.


  • $name - Font name (to reference the loaded font in SCSS code).
  • $weight - Font weight.
  • $style - Font style, either normal or italic.
  • $url - Path to the font file, including the filename, without file extension.

Media Mixins

Media mixins help to create conditional SCSS, responsive to the viewport size.

The library assumes six viewport sizes: extra-small (xs), small (sm), medium (mm and md), large (lg), and extra-large (xl). It is assumed that mobile devices have the screen size up to sm, tablets have the screen size up to md, and desktops have screen sizes from lg and larger (sure, because of window resizing and other circumstances different sizes may be encountered on different devices).

The actual break-points between these sizes are defined by five variables with these default values:

  • $screen-xs = 320px
  • $screen-sm = 495px
  • $screen-mm = 768px
  • $screen-md = 1024px
  • $screen-lg = 1280px

Each of these variables set the maximal pixel size of the corresponding viewport; i.e. xs viewport has its width under $screen-xs (inclusive); md viewport has its width betweeen $screen-mm (exclusive) and up to $screen-md (inclusive); xl viewport has its width above $screen-lg (exclusive).

Based on these variables and assumptions the library provides to sets of media query mixins:

  • @mixin xs, @mixin sm, @mixin mm, @mixin md, @mixin lg, @mixin xl - allow to apply a styling to the single specified size of the viewport.
  • @mixin xs-to-sm, @mixin xs-to-mm, @mixin xs-to-md, @mixin xs-to-lg, @mixin sm-to-mm, @mixin sm-to-md, @mixin sm-to-lg, @mixin sm-to-xl, @mixin mm-to-md, @mixin mm-to-lg, @mixin mm-to-xl, @mixin md-to-lg, @mixin md-to-xl, @mixin lg-to-xl - allow to apply a styling to the given range of the viewport sizes, from the first size mentioned in the mixin name, to the last one, both inclusive.


.someClass {
// General style: green background.
background: green;

// The element gets red background if the viewport size is between
// "xs" and "sm", both inclusive. As "xs" viewport size starts from zero,
// this effectively means "on any viewport smaller than 495px (sm) width".
@include xs-to-sm {
background: red;

Simple Typography

The library provides a simple, but reasonable typography mixins for styling textual content. It is handy for rapid prototyping, taking into account that default browser's text styles are cleared out by the global CSS stylesheet.


Simply drop it into the class of textual content container (or even into the style of body element, if it does not mess your other styling):

.someClass {
// The textual content inside this element and its children will be styled
// reasonably.
@include typography;