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  • Barrier - A Promise with resolve() and reject() exposed as instance methods.
  • E2eSsrEnv - Jest environment for end-to-end testing of SSR and client-side execution of Webpack-built code.
  • Emitter - Simple listeneable data emitter.
  • Semaphore - Synchronization primitive.


  • Button — Themed button / button-like link.
  • Checkbox — Themed checkbox.
  • CustomDropdown — Themed dropdown, based on the basic <div> elements.
  • Dropdown — Themed dropdown, based on the native <select> element.
  • Input — Themed text input.
  • Link — External / internal hyperlink.
  • MetaTags — Manages document's meta tags (title, description, social media thumbnails, etc.).
  • Modal — Themed modal.
  • NavLink — Navigation links (specially styled when match the current location).
  • PageLayout — A simple themed page layout.
  • Switch — Switches between multiple options shown side-by-side.
  • TextArea — Auto-resizeable text area.
  • ThemeProvider — Provides context visual themes to its children tree.
  • Throbber — A simple throbber (three bouncing circles).
  • WithTooltip — Themed tooltip wrapper.
  • YouTubeVideo — Embed YouTube video.
Deprecated Components



  • client() - Client-side initialization and launch of ReactJS apps.
  • server() - Creates and starts ReactJS server.
  • splitComponent() - Wraps a React component for code splitting.
  • withRetries() - Attempts an operation multiple times till the first success.
Deprecated Functions
  • newBarrier() — Deprecated in v1.23.9, and removed in v1.24.0. Instead use Barrier constructor directly.




Deprecated Utilities
  • api — It was just an alias for axios library; it has been removed in v1.39.0; use axios directly instead.
  • PT (prop-types) — Removed in v1.36.0, as propTypes checks are ignored by React v19+. Migrate to TypeScript, or alternative type-checking solutions.