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import { MetaTags } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';

The MetaTags component encapsulates React Helmet library, and helps to inject meta tags (page title, a brief content description, social media thumbnails, etc.) into app pages.

When multiple MetaTags components are nested within the app's component tree, meta tags content injected by the component instances encountered down the tree overrides the content injected by previously encountered MetaTags instances.



  • description - string - Page description to use in the description meta tag, and as a default description in Open Graph tags.

  • title - string - The page name to use in the <title> tag. It is also used as the default value of socialTitle prop.


  • children - React.Node - Component children, if any, are rendered at the component's place.

    All injected meta tags are passed down the children tree using context, thus facilitating tags modification by children. See Using Context example for details.

  • extraMetaTagsArray<{ content: string; name: string }> — Allows to add additional, arbitrary <meta> tags to the page, with the given content and name strings.

  • image - string - The absolute URL of thumbnail image to use in Open Graph tags (twitter:image, and og:image). By default these tags are not injected.

    BEWARE: The value must be a complete, absolute URL, including the correct website domain and HTTP schema.

  • siteName - string - The site name to use in twitter:site, and og:sitename tags. By default these tags are not injected.

  • socialDescription - string - The site description to use in twitter:description and og:description meta tags. By default the value of description prop is used.

  • socialTitle - string - The page title to use in twitter:title, og:title, and og:image:alt tags. By default the value of title prop is used. Also the og:image:alt tag is only injected if image prop is present.

  • url - string - The page URL to use in og:url tag. By default the tag is not injected.


This is the basic example of MetaTags use to set website title and description metatags.

// Top-level app component.
import { MetaTags } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';
export default function ApplicationRoot() {
return (
title="Sample website title"
description="Just the minimal example of MetaTags usage"
// The actual application content here.

Using Context

When multiple MetaTags are nested within the app's tree the MetaTags content comes in handy to modify meta tags from the children components.

import { use } from 'react';
import { MetaTags } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';

export default function SampleComponent() {
const { title, description, } = use(MetaTags.Context);
// Do something with these props here, e.g. prefix the page title with
// the component name:
return (
<MetaTags title={`Sample component - ${title}`} />