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import { server } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';

The server module provides constants and methods facilitating implementation, setup and launch of a configurable ReactJS web server.


Beside holding attached constants and functions documented below, server export itself is also a function, which creates and launches a web-server for ReactJS application. See server() documentation for further details.


  • errors.CODES - A map from HTTP status code names to the corresponding numeric codes.
  • errors.ERRORS - A map from HTTP status code names to their pretty-printed names.
  • SCRIPT_LOCATIONS - The map of valid location values in Script objects.




server.errors.CODES: object

A map from HTTP status code names to the corresponding numeric codes. It is an alias for StatusCodes object from http-status-codes library.


import { server } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';

const { CODES } = server.errors;

// Prints: 400


server.errors.ERRORS: object

A map from HTTP status code names to their pretty-printed names. It is an alias for ReasonPhrases object from http-status-codes library.


import { server } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';

const { ERRORS } = server.errors;

// Prints: Bad Request


server.SCRIPT_LOCATIONS: object

This object provides the map of valid Script's location values:

  • BODY_OPEN - Right after the opening <body> tag.
  • DEFAULT - In the end of <body> tag, just before the main application bundle. This is the default location where scripts are injected when provided as strings rather than Script objects.
  • HEAD_OPEN - Right after the opening <head> tag.



server.errors.assert(value, schema, message = '', statusCode = 400)

Validates value against the given Joi schema. Throws an error with the given error message and statusCode if the validation fails.


  • value - any value to validate.
  • schema - object - Joi schema.
  • message = '' - string - Optional. Error message. If given, the error message from Joi will be appended to it, otherwise the error message from Joi is used as is.
  • statusCode = 400 - number - Optional. Error status code. Defaults 400 (bad request)., statusCode = 500)

Throws an error with the given message and HTTP statusCode.


  • message - string - Error message.
  • statusCode = 500 - number - Optional. HTTP status code. Defaults 500 (internal server error).


server.errors.getErrorForCode(code): string

Given HTTP status code returns the corresponding error text. It is an alias for getReasonPhrase() function from http-status-codes library.

Arguments & Result

  • code - number - HTTP status code.
  • Returns string - Error message.


server.errors.joi: object

An alias for Joi library, which provides methods useful for HTTP request validation.

Example: Joi methods are used to create validation schema for the body of a sample HTTP request.

import { server } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';

const { joi } = server.errors;
const requestBodySchema = joi.object({
sampleKey: joi.string().max(16).required(),


server.errors.newError(message, statusCode = 500): Error

Creates a new Error object with given message, and HTTP statusCode attached to the result as result.status field.

Arguments & Result

  • message - string - Error message.
  • statusCode = 500 - number - Optional. HTTP status code. Defaults 500 (Internal Server Error).
  • Returns Error.


server.getDefaultCspSettings(): object

Returns a deep copy of default CSP settings object used by react-utils, with exception of nonce-xxx clause in script-src directive, which is added dynamically for each request.