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import { time } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';

Date & time utilities. The time export itself is an alias for dayjs library, to which the following additional constants and functions are attached.


Non-React-specific additions to dayjs library, attached as fields and methods to the exported time object, are now moved as stand-alone entities into JS Utils library, imported, and re-used from there. Thus, in addition to still being fields and methods of time, the following constants and methods can be also imported from JS Utils directly:

import {

// Also there is a new Timer class, which is a new implementation behind
// timer() method, and is exposed to allow further extending it for more
// advanced scenarios.
} from '@dr.pogodin/js-utils';


  • DAY_MS - One day expressed in milliseconds.
  • HOUR_MS - One hour expressed in milliseconds.
  • MIN_MS - One minute expressed in milliseconds.
  • SEC_MS - One second expressed in milliseconds.
  • YEAR_MS - One year expressed in milliseconds.


  • useCurrent() - Returns the current timestamp pre-cached in the global state, thus wrapping in an SSR-friendly way.
  • useTimezoneOffset() - Returns the client-side (user) timezone offset in an SSR-friendly way.


  • now() - Returns current Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
  • timer() - Creates a Barrier which resolves after the specified timeout. The timer can be aborted by .abort() method attached to the Barrier.



time.DAY_MS: number = 24 * time.HOUR_MS

One day expressed in milliseconds. Equals 24 * time.DAY_MS.


time.HOUR_MS: number = 60 * time.MIN_MS

One hour expressed in milliseconds. Equals 60 * time.MIN_MS.


time.MIN_MS: number = 60 * time.SEC_MS

One minute expressed in milliseconds. Equals 60 * time.SEC_MS.


time.SEC_MS: number = 1000

One second expressed in milliseconds. Equals 1000.


time.YEAR_MS: number = 365 * time.DAY_MS

One year expressed in milliseconds. Equals 365 * time.DAY_MS, thus a regular, non-leap year.



time.useCurrent(options): number

Returns the current time (Unix timestamp in milliseconds, i.e. result), pre-cached in the global state, thus ensuring all parts of the app dependent on this hook get the same value within the render, and it also matches between the server-side render and client-side hydration.


This trivial component renders the current time, and when used alongside SSR it would break client-side hydration if was used directly instead of useCurrent() hook:

import { time } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';

export default function CurrentTime() {

// const timestamp =; // would cause issues with SSR.
const timestamp = time.useCurrent();

return <div>Current timestamp is: {timestamp}</div>;

At the server-side only the first call to this hook within the render actually retrieves the current time from, and stores it in the global state. All subsequent calls to the hook (including from different components, and from subsequent SSR rounds) serve the same value stored in the global state.

At the client-side the calls to this hook also return the value from the global state (thus, initially matching the one used in SSR), and they also schedule a later update of this value in the global state with a finite precision. By default, the update happens once after a component calling the hook has mounted, and if result at the moment of update differs from the timestamp stored in the global state more than requested precision (5 seconds, by default), the value in the global state is updated, thus triggering rerender of all components using this hook, or directly watching updated segment of the global state. The caller may also opt for automatic periodic update of the value returned by the hook (beware, as the value is managed through the global state, it will potentially re-render entire app on each update).

Arguments & Result

  • options - object - Optional. Custom settings, overriding default values listed below.

    • autorefresh - boolean - Optional. Set this true and the hook will automatically refresh the current timestamp stored in the global state with the period set by precision option below. Beware, as this will trigger potential re-renders of other components watching affected segment of the global state. Defaults false.
    • globalStatePath - string - Optional. The global state path where the current timestamp value will be stored. Different hooks pointing to different global state paths will work completely independently. Defaults to "currentTime".
    • precision - number - Optional. Required result precision in milliseconds. On each attempt to update the current timestamp, the hook will only modify the value stored in the global state (and thus the hook result) if result differs from the current value at globalStatePath by more than this precision. This effectively sets as well the period of automatic timestamp updates if opted by autorefresh option. Defaults 5 × SEC_MS (5 seconds).
  • Returns number - Unix timestamp in milliseconds, equal to the current time with a finite precision (see options above).


time.useTimezoneOffset(options): number

Wraps the standard Date.getTimezoneOffset() method (returns the difference, in minutes, between a date as evaluated in the UTC time zone, and the same date as evaluated in the local time zone) in a SSR-friendly way.

Within SSR context, the timezone of server, in general, is different from the user's timezone, thus a direct call to Date.getTimezoneOffset() would return different values at the client and server side, thus potentially breaking SSR. This hook will call Date.getTimezoneOffset() only at the client side, thus getting the user's timezone, and it will use a cookie to pass that offset to the server with subsequent user requests. If the cookie is present, the server will use its value as the offset, otherwise falling back to a zero offset. Whatever the value is used at the server side, it is also stored in the global state and thus passed to the client side ensuring the initial client side render will always match the server render. Once the hook is evaluated at the client side it will retrieve (update) the timezone, if needed.

Arguments & Result

  • options: object — Optional settings.
    • cookieName: string — Optional. The name of cookie to use to store and pass the user's timezone to the server side. If set to a falsy value, the hook won't use cookie at all, always returning zero at the server-side, and in the first render at the client side. Defaults to "timezoneOffset".
    • globalStatePath: string — Optional. The global state path where the timezone offset value will be stored. Defaults to "timezoneOffset".
  • Returns number — The difference, in minutes, between a date as evaluated in the UTC time zone, and the same date as evaluated in the user's (client) local time zone.


now() number

Returns the current Unix timestamp in milliseconds, thus just an alias for


time.timer(timeout): Barrier

Creates a Barrier which resolves after the specified timeout. Additional .abort() method is attached to the returned Barrier, and it allows to cancel the timer, without resolving nor rejecting the barrier (if needed, it can be done by explicitly calling the standard .resolve() or .reject() methods of the Barrier after aborting the timer).

Arguments & Result

  • timeout - number - Timeout in milliseconds. If a non-positive value is passed in, the operation is noop (returns immediately resolved Barrier).
  • Returns Barrier which resolves after the given timeout. Additional .abort() method is attached to the Barrier, as explained above.