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import { client } from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils';

client(Application, options);

Initializes and launches ReactJS Application at the client-side.

Namely, it wraps the app with BrowserRouter and GlobalStateProvider, then hydrates it into DOM element with react-view ID, assuming the standard SSR setup was used to generate the initial HTML markup of the page.


Behind the scenes, when client-side initialization module is loaded, it checks the host document for the <meta> tag injected by server, carrying app config, initial global state value, and information about application code chunks and files belonging to them. If such tag is present, it is consumed by the library. See the source code for the exact typing of that tag's payload.

For server-less usage the same data object might be bundled into an app, and passed to the library by attaching it to window.REACT_UTILS_INJECTION prior to loading the library.

The dontHydrate option allows to opt for a pure client-side rendering, instead of the hydration.



  • Application - React.Component - The root applciation component.


  • options - object - Additional settings:
    • dontHydrate - boolean - By default, the app is hydrated into DOM element found by react-view ID, using React's hydrateRoot() functionality, and assuming the standard SSR setup was used to generate he initial HTML markup of the page.

      With dontHydrate flag set true React's createRoot() function is used instead to perform a clean client-side rendering into the DOM element with react-view ID.

    • initialStateobject — By default the initial global state for the app is injected into the front-end from the server-side, where it can be customised during each render using the beforeRender argument of the server() initialization function. This initialState option of client() function provides a fallback value for the initial global state on the client-side, which is intended for server-less library use.