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This NodeJS script encapsulates Babel and Webpack compilation for libraries and applications, and provides a working alternative for npm link command that often falls flat.


These are two reasons to have and use this script:

  1. The build process of this library and of its tipical host projects follows the same logic: prepares the build output directory (removes any artifacts remaining from previous builds, or creating the folder); builds client-side code bundle using Webpack; builds the server-side code using Babel. Having this dedicated script which handles these steps saves us from copy/pasting necessary commands between codebases.
  2. The npm link command does not work well for many packages, including this library. The symbol links created by npm link easily break stuff in many obscure ways. This script provides the option to watch and re-build the code into the specified directory. Thus, instead of linking a library into a host package this scripts allows to watch and automatically (re-)build it directly into host-package/node_modules/@dr.pogodin/react-utils/build folder, making any changes immediately available to the host package in development environment.


From this library's codebase call it as

./bin/build.js -h

From a host package's codebase call it as

./node_modules/.bin/react-utils-build -h

These commands (becase -h flag) output the basic usage info:

Usage: build [options]

Library build script

-t, --build-type <type> build type: development, production
-c, --copy-files <regex> copy files matching the pattern into the build
-i, --in-dir <path> input folder for the build (default: "src")
--lib library build (default: false)
--no-babel opts out the Babel (server-side code) build
-o, --out-dir <path> output folder for the build (default: "build")
-w, --watch build, watch, and rebuild on source changes
--webpack-config <path> path to the webpack config (default:
-h, --help display help for command

To build this library in development and production (with optimizations) modes we do:

./bin/build -t development --lib
./bin/build -t production --lib

These commands take the source code from src folder in the current directory, and build it to the build/development and build/production output folders. -i and -o options allow to specify different input and output folders (/development or /production suffixes are append automatically to the output path specified by -o option, if --lib flag is set).

For a web app build, omit the --lib flag. Without it Babel part of the build will output directly to the specified output directory, and Webpack part of the build will output inside web-public folder inside it (we assume that a web app will publically share outcomes of the Webpack build, thus compiling the bundle to the dedicated folder allows to not expose the outputs of Babel compilation, intended for server-side use only).


To achieve folder structure described above this build script overrides context and publicPath fields of the Webpack config you pass in.

The --webpack-config option allows to specify the Webpack config file (by default it is expected to be inside the webpack.config.js file in the current working directory).


The --watch option described below currently works only for Webpack part of the build. To enable it for Babel part requires a small update of Babel CLI:

To use this script as an alternative for npm link, to workaround the issues mentioned above, add -w option, and use -o to specifythe correct output path inside the target host package. For example, if a package A depends on the library B, and the library B is built into B/build folder by this build script, then the installation path of B modules inside A is (most probably) A/node_modules/B/build, and you can * install a local copy of B into A like this:

  • Build and pack B, doing inside its root:
    ./bin/build --lib -t development && ./bin/build --lib -t production
    npm pack
    It will product the file B-<version>.tgz inside B codebase.
  • Install the packed local version of B into A doing in the A's codebase root:
    rm -rf node_modules/B
    npm install /path/to/B/B-<version>.tgz
  • Now, inside B's codebase root start the watch & build of the library's development or production version (whatever you need for your testing and development case):
    ./bin/build --lib -t development -w -o /path/to/A/node_modules/B/build
  • Now you can start A and verify that any changes of B are propagated into A codebase. Once you done with your work, don't forget to revert A's dependency on the local B package back to its remote version (the local dependency is saved into package.json automatically, even if not opted in). You can do it by $ npm install --save B@<version>, or just reverting the change package.json manually or with your version control.

If you know what you are doing, most probably you do not need all these steps, and just running

/path/to/B/bin/build --lib -t development -w -o /path/to/A/node_modules/B/build

will work for you the same.