import E2eSsrEnv from '@dr.pogodin/react-utils/jest-e2e-ssr-env';
// Alternatively, within an actual Jest test:
/** @jsdom-environment @dr.pogodin/react-utils/jest-e2e-ssr-env */
The E2eSsrEnv class implements a Jest test environment for end-to-end testing of SSR and client-side execution of Webpack-built code. It should be considered as a part of Jest utilities provided by the library, but due to technical reasons it cannot be exported directly from JU sub-module, and should stay as a separate library export.
Given a source ReactJS code, a Webpack config factory, and additional options, it bundles the application code with Webpack, emitting output assets into in-memory filesystem, it then generates server-side (SSR) markup for the specified request, and provides client-side (JsDom) environment for Jest testing with outcomes of Webpack build and SSR exposed via global variables.
The environment and its options are configured in a Jest test via pragmas in the opening docblock, e.g.:
* @jest-environment @dr.pogodin/react-utils/jest-e2e-ssr-env
* @webpack-config-factory @dr.pogodin/react-utils/config/webpack/app-production.js
* @webpack-config-options { "entry": "./path/to/webpack-entry.js" }
* @ssr-options {
* "babelEnv": "production",
* "entry": "./path/to/Scene.jsx" }
Real-life examples of using this test environment
(these examples are within react-utils library codebase, because of this they
import the environment with the pragma
@jest-environment ./src/shared/utils/jest/E2eSsrEnv.ts
using a local path).
The following docblock pragma parameters are recognized by the environment:
@webpack-config-factory PATH
- The path to Webpack config factory to use for the build. IfPATH
is relative, it is resolved relative to the root directory of Jest configuration. -
@webpack-config-options OBJECT
- The options object to pass into Webpack config factory. The environment will automatically set this object's.context
field to the current test's folder, and a new memfs in-memory filesystem will be created and provided via.fs
option. You want to set.entry
field to point to the tested app entry point (which should include the mounting of the app into DOM, e.g. by calling to the client() function).When development config factory is used you probably want to set true
flags to avoid polluting test logs with logging from React Global State, and avoid problems with HMR incompatible with Jest testing setup without extra efforts.CHANGELOGIn the library versions v1.17.2 ÷ v1.17.4
flag was automatically set true. Since v1.17.5 the.fs
option is used instead to collect in a virtual filesystem artifacts created during the Webpack config generation. -
@ssr-options OBJECT
- The options for SSR rendering. The object is passed into the standard server() factory, but there are a few special fields accepted within this object by the environment:-
- string - Optional. Allows to enforce the correct Babel environment for SSR in the test. e.g. "development" or "production". -
- object - Optional. Allows to enforce specific "build info" data to be used in SSR. -
- string - The path to app entry to use in SSR. You want to have it different from Webpack's entry point, as it should not include the app mounting into DOM (client() call). Typically, you want the entry point for Webpack to be a thin wrapper module around this entry point for SSR.The environment will use this path to automatically set
field to the root application component to render.If relative path is provided, it is resolved relative to the test folder.
- string - By default.Application
option is set based on the "default" export from the module pointed by.entry
path. When this field is set, the corresponding named export is used instead. -
- string - By default, SSR runs with the current working directory,process.cwd()
, as the Babel's root, where default configuration files for Babel are looked up. This option allows to alter it. It currently accepts a single valid value:-
" - To use the current test folder as the root.TIPYou may want to use this option to place a custom
file into the test folder. Mind that to completely override Babel settings for the tested codebase, you probably should set to false the babelrc flag in thatbabel.config.json
@ssr-request OBJECT
- Optional. The request object to use for SSR, e.g. to provide a customurl
. -
@no-ssr true
- Set this to opt out of SSR, if only Webpack build is needed for the test.
The environment exposes outcomes of the Webpack build and SSR rendering to the actual test runtime via the following global variables:
- object - The "build info" object from the Webpack build.dom
- object - The instance of JsDom object. For example, you may use its.reconfigure()
method to change URL being used by the client-side.REACT_UTILS_FORCE_CLIENT_SIDE
- boolean - This global flag is automatically set true to force-emulate the client-side execution for React Utils library within the environment.ssrMarkup
- string - HTML markup generated by SSR.ssrOptions
- object - Options used by SSR.ssrStatus
- number - HTTP status code generated during SSR rendering.webpackConfig
- object - The config generated by the provided config factory and used for the Webpack build.webpackOutputFs
- object - The in-memory filesystem (memfs instance) with outputs from the Webpack build.webpackStats
- object - Webpack stats from the Webpack build, converted to JSON format.
Within the Jest test using E2eSsrEnv you may use the following code patterns to test SSR and Webpack-build outcomes.
* @jest-environment @dr.pogodin/react-utils/jest-e2e-ssr-env
* @webpack-config-factory @dr.pogodin/react-utils/config/webpack/app-development.js
* @webpack-config-options {
* "entry": "./path/to/webpack-entry.js",
* "dontUseHmr": true,
* "dontUseReactGlobalStateDebugging": true }
* @ssr-options { "entry": "./path/to/Scene.jsx" }
// Above is a sample docblock comment configuring the environment with
// our standard development config for Webpack.
// This is needed to emulate client-side hydration further below.
import { act } from 'react';
// The path for Webpack outputs within the in-memory filesystem.
const outputPath = global.webpackConfig.output.path;
// Information on Webpack outputs by bundle chunk names.
const { namedChunkGroups } = global.webpackStats;
// Listing the content of Webpack output folder.
const fs = global.webpackOutputFs;
// Mounting the SSR-generated markup into DOM.
// You may need document.open() and document.close() calls if you are
// to remount the document.
// This is the container of the main application content,
// if your rely on the standard client() function from the library.
const container = document.querySelector('#react-view');
// To emulate the client-side execution (hydration), you need to do
// the following within a test. The following example assumes we use
// the standard development config factory for the Webpack build,
// which guarantees the main JS bundle file is called "main.js"
// (in case of production config the filename should be found
// within Webpack build stats).
it('sample test', async ()= > {
// This is the main app content originating from the SSR.
const markup = container.innerHTML;
// This does the client-side hydration.
const js = fs.readFileSync(`${outputPath}/main.js`, 'utf8');
await act(new Function(js)); // eslint-disable-line no-new-func
// This checks the outcome of the client-side hydration matches the original
// SSR markup. Note: if hydration fails, the React automatically prints out
// the error message, but that message is not automatically caught and reported
// by the test. If you need to fail the test on hydration failure, you should
// do the following check.