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The library provides tuneable standard configs (presets) for Babel builds:


To include the preset into Babel config:

presets: ['@dr.pogodin/react-utils/config/babel/webpack'],

Alternatively, to pass-in custom options:

presets: [
['@dr.pogodin/react-utils/config/babel/webpack', {
optionName: 'optionValue',

This preset includes:

  • @babel/preset-env and @babel/preset-react — necessary to re-compile modern JS(X) code for older JS environments.

  • @babel/preset-typescript is included when typescript flag is set, to enable compilation of TypeScript code. The onlyRemoveTypeImports flag of that preset is set true.

  • @dr.pogodin/babel-preset-svgr — allows to import SVG files as React components.

  • babel-plugin-module-resolver — attempts to resolve relative module imports against /src/shared and /src roots in the host codebase.

  • @babel/plugin-transform-runtime — enables re-use of Babel–injected helper code (to minimize generated code size).

  • @dr.pogodin/babel-plugin-react-css-modules — the part of CSS modules setup that transforms styleName props of React components into globally unique className props. Generated class names are verbose in development and test environments, to faciliate debugging, and they are short 6-symbol-long hashes in the production Babel environment, to ensure compact CSS and JS output code.

  • In development environment this preset includes react-refresh/babel, required by HMR (Hot Module Resolving); see documentation of React Refresh Webpack Plugin for details.


These are client-side preset options:

  • modulesamd | auto | cjs | commonjs | systemjs | umd | false | undefined — Optional. It is forwarded to the modules option of @babel/preset-env. By default it is set false, to let Webpack to take care of modules in the appropriate way.

  • noRR - boolean - Set true to opt out of react-refresh/babel inclusion in development (and any other) environment.

  • noStyling - boolean - Set true to opt out of any setup related to styling ((S)CSS processing, CSS Modules).

  • targets - object | string | string[] - Compilation targets to pass into @babel/preset-env. Defaults to defaults or chrome >= 69, which means «Default targets recommended by Browserslist + Chrome v69+ (for compatibility with Android devices starting from Android 9 (SDK 28))».

  • typescriptbolean | undefined — Optional. Enables TypeScript support.


To include the preset into Babel config:

presets: ['@dr.pogodin/react-utils/config/babel/node-ssr'],

Alternatively, to pass-in custom options:

presets: [
['@dr.pogodin/react-utils/config/babel/node-ssr', {
optionName: 'optionValue',

This preset is build on top of the client-side one. It performs the same configurations, and on top of that it:

  • Changes default value of modules option to cjs (CommonJS).

  • Changes default value of targets option to current node.

  • Enables replaceImport feature of @dr.pogodin/babel-plugin-react-css-modules plugin to replace stylesheet imports with maps of generated classnames, and remove anonymous stylesheet imports.


    Prior to v1.15.0 @dr.pogodin/babel-plugin-css-modules-transform was included to achieve the same effects achived now by replaceImport option.

  • Includes @dr.pogodin/babel-plugin-tranform-assets plugin to convert GIF, JPEG, JPG, and PNG imports into emitted asset paths, like /images/[FILE_HASH].[FILE_EXTENSION].

    The baseAssetsOutputPath preset option allows to add custom prefix to these paths. You want it to match the publicPath value provided to the Webpack config (e.g see publicPath option of the base Webpack config for apps).

  • In development environment it remove react-refresh/babel plugin, if it was included by the client-side preset.


It accepts all client-side preset option, and on top of that:

  • baseAssetsOutputPath - string - Path prefix for emitted image assets. Defaults to empty string.