
  • Babel Plugin “React CSS Modules” — This Babel plugin for React transforms ‌ styleName ‌ attribute of JSX components into className using compile-time CSS Modules resolution, allowing for a cleaner use of CSS Modules in React.
  • Babel Plugin “Transform Assets” — Transforms importing of asset files at compile time using Babel. This plugin removes the need to run your server code through Webpack module bundler when using loaders such as ‌ file-loader, url-loader and building isomorphic universal apps. Aids in creating a cleaner, maintainable build process at the cost of yet another Babel plugin.
  • Babel Preset SVGR — This Babel preset allows to transform SVG files into React components with SVGR and Babel. It works with any Babel setup (Babel CLI, @babel/node, ‌ @babel/register, Webpack's ‌ babel-loader. If you use Hot Module Reloading (HMR) in React, SVGs handled by this preset are correctly reloaded when modified.
  • CSURF — Node.js CSRF protection middleware for ExpressJS.
  • PostCSS Modules Parser — A CSS Modules parser to extract tokens from the CSS file. Provides opportunity to process multiple files. Supports both synchronous and asynchronous file loaders.
  • React Global State — State of the art approach to the global state and asynchronous data management in React applications, powered by hooks and Context API. Simple, efficient, with full server-side rendering (SSR) support.
  • React Native Audio — React Native audio stream listening and recording.
  • React Native static server — React Native static server.
  • React Themes — Themeable UI styling for React components, with theme composition features, based on CSS modules and core HTML/CSS mechanics.
  • React Utils — ReactJS development kit: it provides a selection of configurations, setups, and tools needed in almost every React project, which greately facilitates and speeds up development, and rapid prototyping.
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